Wednesday, September 4, 2019

More About Generating Income While You Sleep!

I think it is only human nature, every one of us is looking for a better quality and easier lifestyle.
Leading a life very much on our own terms and being in the position of doing EXACTLY what we want to do when we want to do it and spending more time with our families and loved ones.
For that reason, passive income streams and the skills of generating income while you sleep, are skills that everyone of us would just love to develop.
But where do you get started?
In truth, a very low percentage of individuals will ever master the skill of generating income while they sleep.
To them, income while you sleep is just a myth, and will stay that way for the rest of their lifetime.
At this point I must explain more:
I am not referring to generating passive income from invested income such as capital growth from property, etc.
Rather, I am referring to making money from nothing, and the ground up.  Something ANYONE of us can learn to do on a minimal budget, or even NO budget at all.
It may require a small investment to get you started, but certainly not a life changing debt or commitment.
For instance, you may have created an income stream where you need to invest $1 to get $1.25 in return, or even $1 to get $2 in return.
The fact is that even a fool would invest his last penny all day long, just so long as it continued to grow in financial mass.
There are many ways of generating such income streams and some don’t require a cash investment at all. By contrast, these require the investment of your time to get established, and what I prefer to invest my time into creating.
For instance, I could take my time to create a high quality video which will rank at the top of 
YouTube and get viewed hundreds of times every week, or on some occasions, even every day, and a proportion of this traffic will go on to purchase my products and join my mail list meaning I’ll generate even more future profits.
I have videos that I created more than five years ago which still generate ongoing sales, and regularly add new prospects my list, generally on a weekly basis.
I could create 1, or 2 such videos EVERY DAY without it costing me a penny.
Now that is just one great way of creating a great passive income stream that goes on paying me even while I’m sleeping or away on holiday.
After reading this short article, I must ask you if you’re still happy and contented trading your valuable time for money?
If not, then there are many ways of generating such income streams and you can learn more by going to: joining my email list and I will keep you updated with many ways of doing the same.

Or, discover more at:



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